Quality Contractors in Brookline
Competitive Pricing
Vetted Brookline Contractors
Seamless Project Management App
Takes less than 3 minutes!

"Eano offers competitive and transparent pricing so that homeowners aren't surprised as a remodeling project goes on."

Estimated Remodeling Costs in Brookline
Detached ADU
ADU Convert
Plans & Permitting
Average Build Time
Project Management
Interior Construction
Interior Finishing Materials
Estimated Total
Starts at $8,000
Starts at $480
Average 3-5 Months
Eano App
Starts at $96
Starts at $40
Starts at $316,000
Save $68,600
Starts at $12,000
Starts at $576
Average 5-6 Months
Starts at $3,000
Starts at $115
Starts at $48
Starts at $384,600
No commitment
Transparent pricing
Fast response time
*Estimates are based on a one-story 500 sq.ft. attached ADU/addition project on a flat plot of feasible land. Construction is the building of a closed envelope. Interior construction is the labor to install flooring, kitchen, bathroom and paint. Interior finishing materials is for the materials for the flooring, kitchen, bathroom and paint. Trenching and bringing the utilities to the ADU are excluded and will be quoted separately, as the price can significantly vary from project to project.

The Best Affordable Renovation Experience

Get Construction Estimate
Get a detailed online estimate in less than 2 minutes
Choose Your Design
Select from one of our curated Design Packages, then customize items to fit your unique style.
Get Bids From Professionals
Vetted and licensed contractors who have done similar projects as yours will be matched and submit bids for you to review.
Meet Contractors
Receive Quotes
Chat & Select a bid
Manage Your Project with The Eano APP
You can manage your construction team's progress at every step with the Eano App.
Measurement for Materials
Site Preparation
Drywall nailing
Final Punch list
Project complete!
You approve the work at each phase of your project to ensure everything is up to your standards.

Featured Brookline Home Renovation Projects

Renovation Tools and Services You Can Trust

Without Eano
With Eano
Risk of working with unlicensed, uninsured contractors
Vetted and bonded contractor network
Projects may go unfinished
Job completion guarantee
No simple project management and communications tool
Seamless project management and communications with the Eano App
Requires hours of selecting and purchasing materials
Upgrade to a curated Design Package for easy procurement and big cost savings
Often only accepts cash or direct deposit
Modern payment platform that accepts all forms of payment, including credit cards

Brookline ADU Permits & Regulations

Learn more about local ADU regulations and what you can and cannot build on your property.
Where can ADUs be built?
Lots zoned as single-family or multi-family
What is the maximum square footage?
1,200 sq.ft.
What is the maximum height?
16 ft.
Customer Testimonials

Your All-in-One Project Management Tool

The Eano App seamlessly integrates everything you need to keep track of your project in the palm of your hand.
Affordable Home Renovation & ADU Contractors in US
Convenient Communications
Easily communicate with your entire project management and construction team.
Track Progress
Track every step of your project's progress with daily updates and photos from your construction team.
Simple Online Payments
Pay for each construction phase with our secure payment portal—credit cards accepted.

Explore Renovation Costs in Our Service Areas